👋 Hi I am

Noxolo Siya Ndlovu

🇿🇦 Front-end developer, based in South Africa

Featured projects by Siya

Yoga App Image

Yoga app

Yoga helps improve both physical and mental well-being by enhancing flexibility, strength, and balance. Research shows that just 20 minutes of yoga can boost your brain function, improving memory and cognitive abilities more than doing the same amount of exercise!

Weather app

The weather app at Weather by Siya is a sleek and user-friendly tool designed to provide real-time weather updates. The interface is clean and modern, offering users the ability to quickly check the current temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather conditions for any selected location. The minimalist aesthetic and clear presentation of data make it a convenient choice for anyone looking to track the weather with ease

weather app image
Launch Weather App
yoghurt app image

Read about Yogurt

Yogurt is a creamy, tangy treat made from fermented milk that's not only delicious but also packed with probiotics, which are great for your gut health. Whether enjoyed plain, mixed with fruit, or blended into smoothies, yogurt is a versatile snack that can be sweet, savory, or anything in between. Fun fact: The word "yogurt" comes from the Turkish word "yoğurmak," which means "to thicken." No wonder it's so rich and satisfying!